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Thanks to everyone involved for making the ASTD 2007 International Conference and Exposition an overwhelming success! Mark your calendars now and get ready to join ASTD in San Diego, California in June, 2008. Look for the launch of the official ASTD 2008 International Conference and Exposition Website in July, 2007! .
We hope to see you next year in Washington, DC, USA. To view Educational Session Handouts. Help ASTD increase our focus on the learning transfer quotient of the conference education sessions. Held each spring, this premier event for workplace learning and performance professionals welcomes attendees from more than 70 countries. The conference features 200 educational sessions.
Held every year, this event is hosted for those looking to expand their knowledge. About the workplace and how to optimize performance. ASTD2009 features experienced guests to help guide you to improve your work ethic and communicate more effectively. How Content Creation Services Will Optimize Your Business.